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An Introduction to PHP

  • History of PHP
  • Versions and Differences between them
  • Practicality
  • Power
  • Installation and configuring Apache and PHP

PHP Basics

Default Syntax

  • Styles of PHP Tags
  • Comments in PHP
  • Output functions in PHP
  • Datatypes in PHP
  • Configuration Settings
  • Error Types

Variables in PHP

  • Variable Declarations
  • Variable Scope
  • PHP’s Superglobal Variables
  • Variable Variables

Constants in PHP

  • Magic Constants
  • Standard Pre-defined Constants
  • Core Pre-defined Languages
  • User-defined Constants

Control Structures

  • Execution Control Statements
  • Conditional Statements
  • Looping Statements with Real-time Examples


  • Creating Functions
  • Passing Arguments by Value and Reference
  • Recursive Functions


  • What is an Array?
  • How to create an Array
  • Traversing Arrays
  • Array Functions

Include Functions

  • Include, Include_once
  • Require, Require_once

Regular Expressions

  • Validating text boxes,emails,phone number,etc
  • Creating custom regular expressions

Object-Oriented Programming in PHP

  • Classes, Objects, Fields, Properties, _set(), Constants, Methods
  • Encapsulation
  • Inheritance and types
  • Polymorphism
  • Constructor and Destructor
  • Static Class Members, Instance of Keyword, Helper Functions
  • Object Cloning and Copy
  • Reflections

PHP with MySQL

  • What is MySQL
  • Integration with MySQL
  • MySQL functions
  • Gmail Data Grid options
  • SQL Injection
  • Uploading and downloading images in Database
  • Registration and Login forms with validations
  • Pagging, Sorting,…..

Strings and Regular Expressions

  • Declarations styles of String Variables
  • Heredoc style
  • String Functions
  • Regular Expression Stntax(POSIX)
  • PHP’s Regular Expression Functions(POSIX Extended)

Working with the Files and Operating System

  • File Functions
  • Open, Create and Delete files
  • Create Directories and Manipulate them
  • Information about Hard Disk
  • Directory Functions
  • Calculating File, Directory and Disk Sizes

Error and Exception Handling

  • Error Logging
  • Configuration Directives
  • PHP’s Exception Class
  • Throw New Exception
  • Custom Exceptions

Date and Time Functions

  • HTTP Authentication
  • PHP Authentication
  • Authentication Methodologies


  • Why Cookies
  • Types of Cookies
  • How to Create and Access Cookies


  • Session Variables
  • Creating and Destroying a Session
  • Retrieving and Setting the Session ID
  • Encoding and Decoding Session Data
  • Auto-Login
  • Recently Viewed Document Index

Web Services

  • Why Web Services
  • RSS Syntax
  • SOAP
  • How to Access Web Services

XML Integration

  • What is XML
  • Create a XML file from PHP with Database records
  • Reading Information from XML File

MySQL Concepts

  • Introduction
  • Storage Engines
  • Functions
  • Operators
  • Constraints
  • DDL commands
  • DML Commands
  • DCL Command
  • TCL Commands
  • Views
  • Joins
  • Cursors
  • Indexing
  • Stored Procedures
  • Mysql with PHP Programming
  • Mysql with Sqlserver(Optional)


  • Protocols
  • HTTP Headers and types
  • Sending Mails using PHP
  • Email with Attachment
  • File Uploading and Downloading using Headers
  • Implementing Chating Applications using PHP
  • and Ajax
  • SMS Gateways and sending SMS to Mobiles
  • Payments gateways and How to Integrate them

With Complete

  • MVC Architecture
  • Word Press
  • AJAX
  • CSS
  • JQUERY (Introduction and few plugins only)

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